By Diane Terhune
Many drone fliers are aware that they don’t need a part 107 drone license as long as they fly for pleasure only. However, did you know if you fly recreationally you still need to pass a test and carry proof with you whenever you are out flying your drone? On June 22, 2021, the FAA put out a list of sixteen organizations where you can take your Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST). There’s no cost for the test and you take it online from one of the organizations found here.
The test is broken into two parts. The first part gives you the information you need and the second part ask you multiple choice questions. The good news is that you can’t fail the test! If you miss a question, the test will provide you with additional information and you will answer the question again until you get it correct. It will take you about an hour to complete.
The content of the test is basic safety information that should be a minimum standard for anyone flying a UAS. The requirements also state that you must operate in accordance with a FAA approved “Community-Based Organization’s (CBO’s) safety guidelines.” This can be a group such as the Academy of Model Aeronautics. The list will be provided to you in the training. You need to carry a copy of your TRUST completion certificate and be able to explain which CBO’s rules you are flying under if a law enforcement official should ask.
You can keep a copy of your certificate with you digitally or you can also print it out. The size of the completion certificate is the same as a standard ID. It will only cost you around a dollar to get it laminated at an office supply store. Carry it in your wallet or in your drone case so you always have it with you when flying.

Diane Terhune is a 4th grade teacher at Inspire Connections Academy. She’s completing a summer STEM externship at the University of Idaho with Dr. Jae Ryu in his iDrone program.