I have been working with Dr. Ryu, the founder of the idrone (Idaho Drone League) program. Dr. Ryu has been helping me create drone-based lesson plans and projects that aligns with the high school Earth Science curriculum. For example, I designed a hands-on project in which students design a solution to a real-world, water pollution problem using UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) or drone technology. During this project, students implement the Engineering Design Process in five different steps: 1) Define a Problem, 2) Brainstorm Solutions, 3) Design Solution, 4) Test & Improve, and 5) Share Results. Students are expected to choose a personally relevant problem that includes issues of social and global significance, then compare the potential of different solutions. This involves research skills, creativity, and critical thinking, as I also plan to print or develop the 3D models of students’ prototypes.
As I’m developing curricula and researching best practices related to drone education, I intend to integrate this experience with instructional planning for my own classes. With the help of Dr. Ryu, I would like to become a near-expert in drones in order to facilitate hands-on learning for our high school students. My ultimate goal is to test and modify the lessons that I’ve created, so that Dr. Ryu and I can eventually share these resources with other secondary educators who may be interested in implementing drone technology for an improved STEM teaching and learning experience.