The outcome of the iDrone program was successful and rewarding toward promoting STEM pipelines across Idaho and beyond. In the near future, we will continue to apply the rapidly developing drone technology, along with imagination, excitement, and a teamwork spirit to inspire the future Idaho STEM workforce and beyond.
The participating students will develop critical thinking and team-building skills through the research-oriented STEM iDrone experiences, while they brainstorm solutions in creative activities and demonstrate workability and feasibility based on development of science and engineering concepts and practices. The iDrone headquarter (iDrone HQ) is currently developing an advanced level of iDrone with school sports titled “iDrone 2 Soccer” for Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program. The students and teachers in the GATE program will participate in STEM + Art + Sports (STEAMS) to experience digital-age sports and learning in their education platforms. The STEMAS will be broadly implemented nationally and internationally through annual conventions by working with iDrone collaborators, including iDrone cohorts and alumni in years to come.